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잡생각, 또는 브레인스톰


That was one fucking harsh day.
Don't know why I felt so, but I felt so.
It feels like my energy is burning out,
or somebody is draining my energy.

I thought I have grown up enogh to deal with my life alone,
but I guess it was wrong.
It takes too much effort to stand with my bare two feet.
I am exhausted.

Surprisingly, it's my first hurdle to jump over.
I though I could handle it by my self.
Am I still too weak?
I guess so.

I realized I still am very fragile and vulnerable.
I need someone to empower me, hug me, adore me.
I need as strong supporter as I used to have.
I think about him too often these days.
Yes, I am a bitch.
I am surprised to see my evil and self-centered side.
I had been a bitch,
I was a bitch,
I am a bitch.

My dreams are like stars up in the sky.
It's beautiful,
It's shining,
It also looks like I can't reach it.

Oh, how juvenile I am.
I'm still an immature little fairy-tale believer.
To such a girl, the world is so overwhelming.

Somebody, please hold my hand, and say I'm doing well.

My crushed heart is now shattered pieces by pieces.

Rescue me.

HELP ME!!!!!

사족)오늘 본의아니게 기분이 너무 안좋았습니다. 혹시나 제가 신경질을 냈었다면 사과드립니다.

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